Please register before 20 January 2014 here
REHVA is pleased to invite you to its 2014 Seminar on Energy effective operation of HVAC systems jointly organised with the iSERV project consortium.
The seminar will cover a wide range of topics: updates from high level EC speakers on EU policies related to buildings energy efficiency including the new financing opportunities; how to increase the energy efficiency of HVAC systems through monitoring; results of the iSERVcmb project and a discussion about their deployment from a policy and an industrial perspective.
Come and share your experience and expectations. We will be delighted to welcome you at our event, which is a perfect networking opportunity with practitioners, companies and researchers working on buildings energy efficiency.
Our seminar is of particular interest of HVAC system manufactures, REHVA supporters, policy makers, academics in the field of HVAC, as well as consultants, practitioners and engineers in building services.
Download the Seminar Programme here
Download the Thon Hotel EU booking offer here
*The programme might be subject to alterations.
We look forward to welcoming you in Brussels !
We apologize for eventual double mailing.
Please register before 20 January 2014 here
Please note that the number of seats is limited. Registrations will be handled on a first-come first-served basis.
13 February 2014
Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Brussels
Further information
Please register before 20 January 2014 here
40 Rue Washington 1050 Brussels – Belgium
Tel.: +32-2-5141171 • Fax: +32-2-5129062 • Email