iSERV Article: Power Demands of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning components in EU Buildings


iSERV Article by Prof. Ian Knight (iSERV coordinator) published in the REHVA European HVAC journal (03/2014) Power Demands of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning components in EU Buildings The importance of understanding energy use at HVAC component level A previous paper in the January 2104 REHVA Journal (Knight, 2014)…

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iSERV results will be presented at REHVA Annual Meeting 2014

Author: Anita Derjanecz (REHVA - Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Associations)

Close to the project end, iSERVcmb results will be presented to REHVA Members and Supporters on the REHVA Annual conference “Energy efficient, smart and healthy buildings” 30 April 2014 in Düsseldorf. [more] +++ The scope of the conference will be to offer various stakeholders – researchers, industry, building owners, end…

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Final iSERV Public workshop in London, UK

The public workshop will take place in Store Street in London on Thursday April 10th. Public workshops for stakeholders (building owners and administrators, HVAC system designers, manufacturers and inspectors and legislators) are a key part of the iSERV communication strategy. The concept is to briefly introduce the work previously done,…

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Measuring Indoor Air Quality in office buildings

Author: Margarita-Niki Assimakopoulos and Maria Argyriou (University of Athens)

Multiple point IAQ measurements in office buildings over time indicated that while IAQ might vary due to different behaviours of people, or different use, the CO2 levels showed insignificant variation. In contrast, VOC levels exhibited slightly higher variations, due to the existence of differing types of VOC sources. In Supermarket…

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Southern Comfort?


As a partner in the iSERVcmb project, MacWhirter Limited – a UK air conditioning contractor – have been undertaking Inspections of air-conditioning systems throughout the EU in various climatic conditions. The 44 systems inspected to date (out of 80 expected) have been shown to have a mixture good, poor or…

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Energy Conservation Opportunities (ECOs) from Modelling

One goal of iSERV project is to provide an automatic tool that enables the user to detect the weaknesses of its HVAC system and to assess potential savings through modelling. The tool is based on some information data provided about the system and the associated building as well as on…

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