iSERVcmb Overview Report
iSERVcmb Overview Report

Figure 1 -EU distribution of iSERVcmb data sources
The iSERVcmb project has provided a unique approach to understanding and reducing operational energy use in building services across Europe. It has accumulated a unique set of operational data for building ser-vices components during its 3 year period. The project acquired data from 16 countries around Europe as shown in Figure 1.
The iSERVcmb overview report presents summaries of the results, findings and observations from the various aspects of the iSERVcmb project and provides links to the more comprehensive underpinning information from the project where available.
The structure of the report exam-ines the following aspects of build-ing performance, maintenance and operation that have been explored in buildings and systems across Europe:
- The establishment and testing of a procedure for describing and collating buildings in terms of their spaces, activities, building services components and meters
- The electrical energy consumption and power demands measured in HVAC components across Europe
- The energy conservation opportunities (ECOs) identified in HVAC components across Europe and the pre-dicted overall savings from these ECOs
- The actual electrical energy savings achieved in buildings using the iSERVcmb system
- The Indoor Air Quality of a sample of the buildings and systems tested
- The findings from EPBD Inspections undertaken on a sample of Systems across Europe
- The impact on Professional Bodies, HVAC Manufacturers and Maintenance Companies
- The implications of the results of iSERVcmb for future legislation and operation of buildings
- How the process might be transposed into a working system within EU MS