Power and Energy Benchmarks
Part of the iSERVcmb project’s aims have been to analyse the HVAC system data collected to provide publicly available information on achieved HVAC system performance by end use activity. This information is important for producing meaningful recommendations for HVAC systems that are likely to be acted upon, as well as forming a crucial part of the iSERVcmb process. The data can also help with existing and future Physical Inspection processes.
iSERVcmb has generated a unique set of measured consumptions and power demands for HVAC components in operational buildings at the level of Annual kWh/m2 and Power W/m2. The first outputs from this data are available from the iSERVcmb website at www.iservcmb.info/results.

Figure 5 – Example of a HERO report for a HVAC system with
only partial metering of the HVAC components.
The HERO database uses the metered data from the buildings and components in its system, in conjunction with the spaces and activities served, to generate updated benchmark figures on demand. This shows that the continual updating of benchmarks can be quickly and easily achieved by this process, which is an important part of providing confidence to the end user of the ongoing relevance and reliability of the benchmarks they are using to make decisions on whether to invest or not.
This benchmark information allows us to estimate energy consumption at the building, system, component, space and activity level using only the building main incomer data available. This allows ISERVcmb to provide a topdown methodology for estimating energy efficiency. These estimated consumptions provide building owners with an indication of where the utility consumption is most likely taking place in the building. The accuracy of these estimates can then be improved by sub-metering if desired. Figure 5 shows an HVAC system with only partial metering of the HVAC components. The consumption data columns are broken into three parts. The blue section denotes the metered components. The yellow and pink sections denote estimates of the range of consumption for the non-metered components. The yellow section shows estimated average consumption whilst pink shows the estimated maximum consumption. This report type can also be produced for HVAC System Components.
- To read the iSERVcmb Overview report, download a copy from the “Overview Report” report at www.iservcmb.info/results.