
How should you describe a building to reduce its energy use?
How should you describe a building to reduce its energy use?
  • Common format to allow comparison between buildings and systems throughout Europe
  • Physical asset descriptions allow actions to be focussed
  • Understand what connects to what
How much energy and power should my building services systems use?
How much energy and power should my building services systems use?

Measured figures for operational energy use and power demands from EU buildings and systems

What happens when you understand  where the energy goes?
What happens when you understand where the energy goes?
  • Better control
  • Sustainable energy savings
  • Confidence to invest
The industry’s view
The industry’s view

“iSERVcmb is the independent evidence which can sort out the wheat from the chaff.” – John Woollett, Swegon AB

“The iSERVcmb database provides a good first step on the road to help ensure healthy sustainable buildings for the next generations of people working in our city based economies.” – Peter Dyment, Camfil Farr Ltd

Inspection of HVAC Systems through continuous monitoring and benchmarking
Inspection of HVAC Systems through continuous monitoring and benchmarking

The iSERVcmb project has now been completed and has a number of findings to report.

Click here for the iSERVcmb – Priority Schools Building Programme
Read the iSERV Flyer

The iSERV procedure is now being run by K2nenergy Ltd. Please contact them at info@k2nenergy.com or visit www.k2nenergy.com for more details.

Welcome to the iSERVcmb project website

Professor Ian P. Knight
Project Coordinator
Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University

The IEE-funded part of the iSERVcmb project is now complete.

This website is structured to reflect the final report for the project, which is available in full and with links to more detailed information at www.iservcmb.info/iserv-results. The website also reflects the final newsletter for the project which can be found at the link at the bottom of this page.

The main findings from the project are that:

  • The proposed process leads to significant savings in operational buildings across Europe – with annual electricity savings of up to 5% of the total EU electrical energy use appearing possible.
  • The iSERVcmb spreadsheet can be used for all buildings and HVAC systems across Europe
  • The project has produced a unique set of measured data on energy use and power demands in HVAC sub-components servicing given end use activities across Europe
  • Energy Conservation Opportunities are capable of being identified from sub-hourly data
  • Physical Inspections and Indoor Air Quality studies have confirmed that continuous use of metered data can be used to benchmark the performance of buildings and systems
  • The approach and data is of interest to Building Services Professional Bodies in providing guidance to their members on improving the operational energy efficiency of building services

All the main Actors sectors from across Europe, with an interest in reducing the operational energy use of buildings and their building services, have participated in and/or contributed to the shape and findings of this project.

I am currently working on future project proposals using the iSERVcmb findings and methodology and would be interested in hearing from potential partners who think they could help in these proposals. Please contact me on my email address.

In the meantime, I hope you find the current project outputs useful and interesting.

Ian Knight

Final news and
future work

Keep in Touch

To keep in touch with future developments for the iSERVcmb approach please join the iSERVcmb linked in group

Stay up to date and get involved in discussing topics surrounding iSERVcmb – join the iSERVcmb group on


iSERV Results

The main outputs from iSERVcmb can be found at www.iservcmb.info/iserv-results

Interested in getting involved?

The findings from iSERVcmb will be taken forward in a number of initiatives and projects, the first of which will be proposed between September and November 2014. If you are interested in potentially being involved in these proposals please contact Professor Ian Knight on knight@cf.ac.uk noting your background and any potential areas you would find of interest e.g. HVAC component manufacturer, legislator, end user, etc.

Final iSERVcmb Newsletter

Click here to download the final, pdf version of the iSERVcmb Newsletter.

What people say

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